Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Versatile Game of Trivia

Name a game that has no set number of players, almost no age requirement, and gender , time and location do not matter?

Answer: Trivia

Trivia is one of the few games that has no set number of players. You can play by yourself. Or you can play with almost any number of people on a team.

The age of the players is not important. If you want you can have children playing against the adults or mix up the teams and the level of the questions. There are trivia games geared specifically to children which will allow them the same chance of winning as the adults.

Unlike many games and sports, trivia transcends gender. Woman and men can play against each other or on the same team. Sometimes it is even fun to play trivia based on gender i.e. have the men answer what are considered traditional woman's questions ( fashion and cooking) and have the women answer men's traditional questions ( mechanics and sports).

You can decide how long a game will last. 5 questions or 100, the choice is up to you. Or maybe you will decide just to ask the questions randomly and see who knows the answer without keeping score. It's a great way to pass the time while you are travelling.

Where you play does not matter. You don't need a field, a court or even a board. As long as you have a list of trivia questions you can play anywhere.

As one of the most versatile games of all time it is no wonder that it continues to gain in popularity.