Friday, June 5, 2009

Dog Breed Trivia Questions and Answers

What kind of dog is the largest in the Terrier family?

The Airedale

Airedale Terriers should weigh between 45 to 50 pounds and are about 23 inches in height. These dogs are originally from Airedale, in Yorkshire County. Because they were used to hunt otters in the River Aire these Terriers are often referred to as the Waterside Terrier. They have a water-resistant thick coat which they shed twice a year. In Britain these dogs are trained to be police dogs.

Which breed of dog was thought to be sacred to the Aztecs?


The world's smallest breed of dog is the Chihuahua. Chihuahuas are named after a state in Mexico. Aztecs are believed to have used this breed in their religious ceremonies. Historically the Chihuahua were larger than they are today. To produce a smaller breed the Spanish began crossing the Chihuahua with miniature breeds. Today Chihuahuas are often crossed with Dachshunds, to get Chihuaschunds, or with Beagles to get Chihueagles.

What kind of dog is native to Flanders?


"Little Black Devil" or the "Tasmanian Devil Dog" are names given to this breed because of its notorious bad behaviour. "Little Captain" is the actual translation of the name Schipperke. The average lifespan for this small breed of dog is about 17 to 18 years.

A black tongue is characteristic of which breed of dog?

The Chow Chow

The Chow Chow came to China after being bred in Mongolia. "Puffy Lion Dog" is the actual translation of the word (Songshi Quan) the Chinese name for Chow Chow. Chows have a double coat and a distinctive ruff. Chows are extremely loyal to their owners and are wary of strangers. These dogs need to be socialised at an early age.

Which breed of dog was Shakespeare referring to when he said "Ears which sweep away the morning dew?"

Basset Hound

Basset hounds are kind with children however they are stubborn and hard to train. Despite this drawback, Basset Hounds are very receptive to dog clicker training methods. These dogs were bred to track down rabbits by smell. Basset Hounds require lots of regular exercise but they do very well living in the city. They have lots of energy and enjoy long walks.

What kind of dog saved Napoleon Bonaparte when he was drowning?


While escaping from Elba Island in 1815 Napoleon Bonaparte was swept overboard. A Newfoundland dog dove into the water and saved him. This gentle giant comes from Canada. They are often employed to aid in water rescues because of their love of water. They have webbed feet which makes them super swimmers and their thick double coat is water-resistant.

The title "Apollo of Dogs" refers to which dog breed?

Great Dane

The Great Dane is not from Denmark, it actually hails from Germany. It is one of the tallest breeds, grownups are between 28 and 30 inches and they should weigh between 100 and 120 pounds Historically the Great Dane was trained to hunt wild boars and stags. The Great Dane makes an excellent guard dog. They are classed as part of the working dog group.

The title of official dog of the French Royal court belongs to which breed?

Pyrenean Mountain Dog

In North America the Pyrenean Mountain Dog is better known as the Great Pyrenee. Females should weigh about 85 to 100 pounds and males should weigh between 100 and 120 pounds. These dogs are noted for being good herd and guard dogs. In the second World War the Great Pyrenees were used to carry packs and haul artillery through the mountains. A thick white coat and double dewclaws are trade marks of this breed.

Which breed is also known as "black and tans"?

Gordon Setter

The Gordon Setter is from Scotland, specifically Gordon Castle. Alexander the 4th duke of Gordon was the founder of this breed. Gordon Setters are a gun dog, used to aid in the hunting of game birds. These dogs are able to work all day but are the slowest and heaviest member of the Setter family. These dogs are not good around small children however, they are very loyal and loving.

Which breed of dog is also known as Perro de Agua, Perro de Lanas, Laneto and Churro?

The Spanish Water Dog

The Spanish Water dog is a noted herder who works well with both goats and sheep. To help with their work fishermen in Spain train these dogs. They will both help with the fishing nets and tow small boats to shore. They are great divers and swimmers due to their webbed feet. These dogs need to be socialised early but are very hard working.

ID in Three - How many clues do you need?

A man wearing a mask calmly kills a woman right in front of her husband. After the woman's death the masked man is not arrested nor is the husband upset.

Who was this woman?

Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each clue for the hint.

The woman was 29 years old when she died. - CLUE ONE

The woman was part of the British Royal Family. - CLUE TWO

The women was ordered beheaded by her husband. - CLUE THREE

The second wife of Henry VIII - Anne Boleyn. - ANSWER

Baseball Trivia

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Trivia Questions

Here are some genral trivia questions that you can use however you wish.

What Canadian band has its fans throw macaroni boxes to them when they perform the song "If I had $1000,000"?
Barenaked Ladies

The character named Father Mackenzie is featured in which Beatles' song?
Eleanor Rigby

The catapult was one of the world's earliest machines. Was it used for construction, printing or war?

Demi Moore is offered 1 million bucks to spend the night with Robert Redford in which film?
Indecent Proposal

Who played a prison inmate named Red in the movie "Shawshank Redemption"?
Morgan Freeman.

"Who Wants to be a Millionaire" is not only a game show title, but also a song title. Who wrote the song?
Cole Porter

Edward White, made history on June 4th, 1965 when he did what?
Walked in space.

Which star holds the record for the most appearances in People Magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People' list?
Julia Roberts

In the field of zoology, a Siren is a type of what? A bird, insect or amphibian?

"What color is your Parachute?" is a bestselling self-help book. What topic does it cover?
Job Hunting

Thursday, April 9, 2009

ID in Three - How many clues do you need?

Many men and women are specifically chosen to appear on a nationally aired prime time TV show. Even though they will be starring on the show, they are not very happy about it.

What is the TV show?

Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each clue for the hint.

The TV show is not fiction. - CLUE ONE

The show asks citizens of the United States for help. - CLUE TWO

The stars of the show are criminals. - CLUE THREE

America's Most Wanted. - ANSWER

Saturday, April 4, 2009

General Trivia Questions

1. In the UK it's 10, in the USA it's 8 and in Continental Europe it's 38 what is?

2. Which country had the Dauphin as a ruler?

3. What are bactrians and dromedaries?

4. What fabled monster has a lion's head and a serpent's tail?

5. Processed Galena produces what kind of metal?

6. Which boy's name means, he who resembles God?

7. Federal law prohibits the recycling of what in USA?

8. Who wrote the 'Beau Geste'?

9. The Roman road builders lacked which elementary tool?

10. What did the ancient Greeks use instead of soap?

11. St. Appolonia is the patron saint of what?

12. What head of government was the first to give birth in office?

13. What has a palimped got?

14. What was the first manufactured item sold on the show "Hire Purchase"?

15. Which 1993 Disney film starred Bet Middler as a witch?

Answers: 1. Women's dress size 2. France 3. Camels (one hump or two) 4. Chimera 5. Lead 6. Michael 7. Eyeglasses 8. P.C. Wren 9. Wheelbarrow 10. Olive Oil 11. Toothache 12. Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan 13. Webbed Feet 14. Singer sewing machine in the 1850's. 15. Hocus Pocus

Rock N Roll Trivia

Click on the picture to play a free interactive game of Rock N' Roll Trivia.

Trivia Questions and Answers

1. If you practice Vootery, you're practicing what?

2. Whose last words were, "That was the best soda I ever tasted."?

3. In the Oscar winning movie "Gladiator", who played Commodious?

4. Who wrote the movie "Gone with the Wind"?

5. What prepared food dishes' name translates as "pepper water"?

6. Which famous character was created by Hugh Lofting?

7. Robert Alan Zimmerman is also known as?

8. What do Fitzroy, Essenden, Collingswood and Carlton have in common?

9. What is Muckle Flugga?

10. Which condition can both flies and humans get?

11. The comma bacillus causes what disease?

12. Who is Warner Brothers' oldest cartoon character?

13. What nationality are the most immigrants to the USA?

14. We have all heard of Hari Krishna, what does 'Krishna' mean?

15. 37% of women prefer what to sex?

Answers: 1. Deceit or Lying 2. Lou Costello 3. Joaquin Phoenix 4. Margaret Mitchell 5. Mulligatawny from India 6. Doctor Dolittle 7. Bob Dylan 8. Aussie rules football teams 9. Rock and Lighthouse on Uist 10. Athletes Foot 11. Cholera 12. Porky Pig 13. Mexican 14. Dark as a cloud 15. Shoe shopping

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Harry Potter - The Chamber of Secrets - Trivia Questions and Answers

After a long wait the much anticipated sixth book in the Harry Potter series is finally coming out on film. The Half Blood Prince will make its screen debut in July of 2009.

It seems a long time ago that the second book in the series hit the theatres. It was actually released in 2002. How much do you remember about the second movie/book? Can you remember who was the house elf? Or what was the name of Hogwart’s history teacher? Try these movie trivia questions and see exactly how much you do recall.

Nearly Headless Nick the Gryffindor House ghost is terribly upset because he has been denied entrance into a certain ghost club. What club is it?

A: The Headless Hunt. According to the club rules he cannot join because he is not completely headless. He would be unable to play head polo or head juggling.

What does Lucius Malfoy accidentally give Dobby which frees him?

A: Harry’s sock. A house elf is freed if a master gives them clothes. Harry tricks Lucuis into throwing one of his socks and dobby catches it.

When Harry is fighting the monster in the chamber of secrets, Fawkes brings him the school sorting hat. What does Harry pull out of the sorting hat?

A: A sword. It was Godric Gryffindor‘s sword.

For years people have been trying to find the entrance to the secret chamber that is hidden somewhere in Hogwarts school. Where is the entrance to the chamber of secrets?

A: It is in the bathroom that is haunted by moaning Myrtle.

What kind of animal does Albus Dumbledor keep for a pet?

A: A phoenix. It is a magical bird named Fawkes.

What kind of monster was in the chamber of secrets? They are ‘born from a chicken’s egg, hatched beneath a toad’?

A: A basilisk. They are feared by spiders and have a deadly stare.

On Christmas morning Hedwig flies into Harry’s room with a gift from the Dursleys. What is it?

A: A toothpick. They also include a note asking if Harry can stay at the school for summer vacation.

Who is the only teacher at Hogwarts who is a ghost?

A: Professor Binns. He teaches history.

In the wizarding world the mail is delivered by owls. Harry’s owl is a snowy owl named Hedwig. What is the name of the Weasley family owl? A: Errol. He is very old and has trouble with his landings.

Hermione, Ron and Harry are invited by Nearly Headless Nick to attend his 500th death day celebration. This is a celebration of the day on which he died. What day of the year does this take place?

A: October 31st. Instead of going to the Halloween feast the three go to the dungeons to celebrate with Nick and his ghost friends.

Hagrid has a number of different pets throughout the Harry Potter series. Probably the most normal of all his animals is his large cowardly dog. What is his dog’s name?

A: Fang. Hagrid asks Harry and Ron to take care of his duff while he is away in Azkaban.

What is the name of Ron Weasley’s favorite quidditch team?

A: The Chudley Cannons. Their colors are orange and black.

Harry Potter plays seeker for the Gryffindor house team. Who is the seeker for the Slytherin team?

A: Draco Malfoy. He gets the position because his father buys new brooms for the whole team.

Ron, Harry and Professor Lockhart all enter the chamber of secrets together. While they are in the pipes Lockhart tries to wipe-out Ron and Harry’s memories. What is the magic word that he uses?

A: Obliviate. Unfortunately for the professor he uses Ron’s wand which is broken and the spell misfires.

Hermione, Ron and Harry all drink polyjuice potion. Harry and Ron change into Crabbe and Goyle. Who is Hermione supposed to change into?

A: Millicent Bulstrode. The plan was for Hermione to change into Millicent but by mistake Hermione uses a cat hair in the potion.

Harry and Ron both get detentions for arriving at Hogwarts in the flying car. Harry has to spend detention with Professor Lockhart helping him with his fan mail. What does Ron have to do?

A: Ron has to help Filch polish the trophies in the trophy case without using magic.

None of the students are killed by the monster in the chamber of secrets but rather they are petrified. Hermione is protected by the mirror, Mrs. Norris was protected by the water. What kept Colin Creevey safe?

A: He saw the monster through his camera. The gaze of the monster melted the insides of the camera and film.

More Harry Potter Quizzes

Monday, March 30, 2009

Clichés Trivia

How many out of the 10 clichés provided do you recognize?